What are the three types of programming languages | of Microcomputer?


Microcomputer Planning Languages

There are three types of microcomputer programming languages:

Advanced Languages ​​(HLL)

· Meeting Language

· Machine Language

Advanced Language

Advanced language allows programmers to write programs that look like a native language.

Examples: C ++, Java, C # .NET, etc.

A program called Compiler is required to translate a high-level system into machine code.

Each statement is often translated into many machines language instructions.

Meeting Language

Assembly language uses learning mnemonics with a one-to-one connection with machine language.

A command is a symbolic representation of a single machine command.


Label (whenever you like), mnemonic (always required), operand (S) (required by specific commands), and comments (always optional).

Machine Language

Machine language is a "traditional" computer language.

Examples: Instructions and operator numbers can be stored in the memory and processed directly by a computer program.

Each ML command contains an opcode (operational code) and zero or more operators.






Increment the AX register



Add 0005 to AX


Sample Program

Machine Language Generation by ASM and HLL programs.

 Essential tools:

 Assembler is a program that converts source code programs into machine language (object file).

Linker joins files of two or more objects and produces one usable file.

 Debugger uploads a usable program that displays the source code and allows the developer to enter the program one education at a time, and display and modify memory.

·         Emulator allows you to download and run conference language programs, check and modify registry content. Example: EMU8086

Why Learn a Meeting Language?

· Learn how the processor works.

Check the internal representation of data and commands.

How to set up a system to make it work better.

Computers / Device Drive / OS.

· Games / Embedded System.
