What is Computer Architecture and Organization?

Computer Architecture

Computer Architecture  refers to those system attributes that are visible in a program.

Those qualities have a direct bearing on the logical operation of the system.

Structural features include:

 Commands set

 The number of bits used to represent different types of data (numbers, letters, etc.).

Input/output method and memory technology.

 For example, architectural design is based on whether a computer will have duplicate commands or not.

What is Computer Organization?

·         The organization is how features are implemented.


How does a Computer work?

Example: Is there a special hardware multiplication unit for multiplication operation or is it done by repeated additions?

Computer organization refers to functional units and their connections that receive structural specifications.

Organizational qualifications:

1. The details of the computer hardware are obvious to the developers as control signs.

2. Interaction between borders and computers.

3. Memory technology used

Computer Organization vs. Architecture


Sensible features of the computer's visible computer hardware and what computer-understandable instructions are under computer design.


The physical features of a computer that are not visible to the system and how the computer hardware performs the instructions are read as a computer organization.

Computer Organization vs. Contd ...

Computer programming should be designed to use specific building details.

 It is possible to have the same structures but different organizations.

Ø All computers in the Intel Pentium have the same design.

Ø Each type of Pentium has a different organization or implementation.


Construction Problems:

Reduced Set Teaching (RISC).

 Complex Instruction Set Computing (CISC).

Pipe etc.

  Organizational Issues:

Input / output, control unit, memory, etc.


Why Study Computer?

Understand how a computer works!

Computer hardware, its features, functionality, and interaction.

 How can you choose a plan?

Understand the trade between various factors, such as memory size, CPU clock speed, etc.


Computer Level Hierarchy:


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